Can anyone on the list help with a hypothetical situation for a fiction I'm 
working on?

Someone is shot dead with an illeglly acquired shotgun with sawn-off barrels. 
The police get hold of the gun.

Once the police put it through forensic tests, is it in anyway possible to 
link that gun with a former killing? I know it's easy with a rifled weapon, 
but what can be done with a shotgun?

The way I see it any cartridges impounded with the gun could be linked 
forensically by batch number, plaswads, maybe shot. But I'm hazy on this.

Any information or comment would be much appreciated.

PS: The very first double 12 bore I saved up for when I was first married was 
a Baikal from Russia, imported by a Glasgow company. Twelve months after I 
sold it to a gun dealer,we returned from a holiday to experience the 
Liverpool police practically knocking my door down.

My gun, sawn off, had been used to murder a pawnbroker during a robbery. The 
cops came in mob handed, producing the sawn off without any explanation and 
scaring the daylights out of me, my wife and young son.

The forensic people had x-rayed the serial number of the Baikal, which 
criminals had tried to erase with acid. Having bought the gun new I was first 
on the list after inquiries at the importers.

The police later told me that my gun, sold on by the RFD, had been stolen 
from the boot of a car and eventually ended up in the hands of an illegal 
armourer. He had rented it to the crims who murdered the pawnbroker.

Not a nice experience, but my name was blackened for ages as during my 
absence on that holiday, the police had been to my two former addresses and 
even talked to local shopkeepers, barmen, newsagents, etc. For at least two 
years I got comments in the neighbourhood--as well as some hassle when I 
renewed my certificate in a neighbouring authority when we moved again. (I'd 
previously taken out a certificate in that area before I married and flogged 
my gun).

Barry Woodward
There's quite a lot of ways, comparison of firing pin indents on
the primers, they can also determine what ammunition was used to
shoot the victim, fire it through the gun and compare it
ballistically, if it was close range they can compare the burns
on the victim with burns obtained during testing and so on.


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