From:   "Ron Rosenfeld", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"What are the chances that when we all attend the March in March,
that we will all be videoed, & that video used against us upon
application/renewal as proof of unsuitability to hold a SGC/FAC???"

I under stand that as a result of the Data Protection Act (or some such)
a person caught on cctv can on paying a £10 fee have a copy of it.  If
this can be confirmed then I will be asking the Met for copies of all
tapes that I am on,  and if they can't identify me then a copy of
everything is what i shall expect - otherwise its off to the data
protectection registra. 

If even a comparative hand full did this then it will really p!ss off
the Met.  OK they will get a few bob out of it but with all those
cameras it will cost them a fortune in VHS tapes.

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