From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here is the "reply" if you could call it that from William
Hague. It seems that all that happens is the reader sees
the word "handgun" and prints out the "standard" "handgun"
letter without bothering to read further. Monkey see...monkey do?

"Mr Hague has asked me to thank you for your recent letter
concerning firearms, and to reply on his behalf.

I understand why you oppose the measures which the last
government had to take following the massacre at Dunblane.
However, these dreadful crimes placed an onerous duty on
ministers to consider difficult steps to tighten controls
on the ownership and possession of hand guns in this country.

However, as you may know, Conservative Members of Parliament
opposed Labour's recent Firearms (Amendment) Bill.

I hope you will find this helpful and thank you again for

The letter is signed by Ian Philps, "Correspondence Secretary".

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