From:   David Chappell - UK, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm sorry, but I just have to add my two pence worth to this thread!

One or two contributors have made reference to the ISO 9000
series as if they were some sort of guarantee of quality - They
are not.

ISO 9001, 9002 and 9003 (or the old BS 5750 parts 1, 2 & 3) are
quality standards, but what they are not is manufacturing
standards. The difference is whether you just provide a service,
manufacture or design and manufacture.

All that they mean is that you have a quality manual. Which
describes (often in great detail), via procedures everything
that the company does. Approval depends on the quality manual
and audits to confirm that you are following it. This manual
is followed, without deviation. It controls everything that is

You can be turning out absolute useless crap, but it will be
consistent crap, made the same way each time!  If your quality
manual says that in order to make proof rounds you take 30% of
the powder from one cartridge and add it to another then thats
fine. It doesn't make it right, but you are following your
quality manual.

Many companies obtain ISO 9000 approval and then claim that
their products, or services are 'made to ISO 9000' - these
are invalid and misleading claims.

I hope this spreads a little enlightenment.

(one time QA manager, who oversaw the implementation of
BS 5750, then ISO 9000!)
Mmm, I thought that the ISO 9000 standard had outside
evaluations done to ensure quality, from I dimly recall
of my TQM course in university.  I know they rarely do it
but if you go the whole hog (is that 9001 or 9003?), ISO
may turn it over to someone familiar with the industry to
make sure it is being done correctly, not just consistently.

That was the idea at any rate.  Everyone who has an
ISO 9000 qualification has to have an independent evaluator
show up once a year I think who does a review, I know that
much.  However if you have something really complex or
potentially dangerous I was under the impression they
had to refer to an expert from that industry.


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