James Macnair writes, << The Tories may have been the party that enacted the 
ban on handguns , however , do you think that they would have acted that way 
had it not been for Labour electioneering on the back of Dunblane ?. They had 
their hands forced. >>

This really will not do. Any political party can choose whether to pursue 
aims based on reason, justice and morality - or to engage in the sort of 
contemptible, shallow, "who's the toughest on gun crime" scapegoating we saw 
in 96/97. Well before Labour got into its stride, certainly before they 
brought the ghastly Pearston woman along to their conference, Major stated in 
summer 96 that handguns would be banned, and though he was compelled to go 
through the motions of retracting this undermining of Cullen, we knew they 
were going to do it. Face the facts: the three principal parties are 
short-term opportunists who will do and say anything at all - and turn their 
coats the week after - if they think it will gain them a momentary advantage. 
They are cynical, unprincipled pragmatists who seize every chance they get to 
increase the power of the State and diminish that of the individual. Forget 
about appeals to reason - politicians need a bloody good fright, and 
something which threatens their seats or their pockets is necessary. March 
18th? It should be March 21st ...

Anthony Harrison

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