From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Came by this from the telegraph

FISH and chip shops have been declared a legitimate
target for attack by animal rights extremists.
The Animal Liberation Front said yesterday that a
letter bomb attack in North Wales could herald the
start of a wider campaign against the 8,600 fish and
chip shops in the country.

Robin Webb, a spokesman for the Animal Liberation
Front, said chip shops could be regarded as targets. He
said: "The fishing industry is perceived as being very,
very cruel. With mammals and birds there is a pretence
of humane stunning and slaughter, whereas fish are
dragged out of the water into an alien environment in
which they slowly die.

"People, perhaps, don't have the same perception
generally about fish as they don't have hands-on
contact with them. But from the scientific point of
view they have a central nervous system and they can
suffer and feel pain. Although I do not condone actions
of this kind, I can understand the anger and
frustration that leads people to take radical action
when the parliamentary road has failed."

Looks like fishermen on the riverbanks had better watch


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