From:   Don Baldwin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Have we decided on any identifying mark to denote cybershooter?
> I am going to put "Cybershooters" at the base of my placard.

I suggest that you intimate that a new era in international
gun rights cooperation is dawning by obtaining logos, patches
etc from NZ, Australia, Canada, the US.

As I've posted before, shooters here of politically moderate
bent are looking for allies in non-traditional groups.  There's
a group called the Pink Pistols and one here in Seattle area
called CeaseFear, both groups dedicated to helping gays/lesbians
feel comfortable in the shooting community.

As a straight-but-not-narrow NRA member, I like to wear a
Ceasefear button on a PFLAG (parents and friends of lesbians and
gays) t-shirt.  I would happily send a few buttons over thee
to symbolize a broad spectrum of support form the US.

What is the ceaseFear logo?  A fist holding a revolver bursting
out of a pink triangle, with the words "Bash This!".... :)


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