From:   Kenneth Wyatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You might even try the one in Yorkshire who swore blind he had in stock
the ammunition I wanted.
Despite ringing on the Monday, Wednesday and Just before I left home on
the Saturday, my one hundred and odd mile journey was met by, "it's at the
warehouse a couple of miles away and we can't get it 'till Monday".
Try that one.
Or the one in South Yorkshire who, when I wanted some RCBS re-loading gear
had ME ring him every week just in case it came in stock, instead of
ringing me when it arrived, after ten weeks I went somewhere else.
The one in Devon who swore that he had Sierra's reloading book in stock,
took my money then gave me excuses for seven or eight weeks before I asked
for my money back.
Plenty of good shops to choose from, and the "others"
Best of luck

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