From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This was posted in by Len McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I think some of his comments on jealousy have some relevance to us.


In the gun debate, it appears to me that the gun community has failed to get
across those issues to which the general public can personally relate, i.e.
property ownership, home sanctuary and family safety.  Even though gun owner
arguments have been legitimate, the government has been successful in
confusing and misleading the majority of that public, just as they did on
free trade , the GST, and many others.
Governments have long learned how to manipulate the public's weak points and
gun owners  may have fallen victim to one of the most basic, that of
jealousy.  Unfortunately and never admitted, most people secretly  take some
satisfaction from the misfortune of their neighbors, especially in the area
of property or finance. As an example, they are never really upset when
their neighbor's property tax is increased or their neighbor is demoted,
The gun owner makes the perfect victim for this inherent jealousy.  He is a
minority who enjoys owning guns and usually likes to hunt or shoot, an
enjoyment  the majority will never experience.  So here jealousy raises its
ugly head, here is a chance for that majority to pull their neighbor down a
peg.    They justify their actions by conveniently buying the government's
safety argument or its demonization of  a "powerful gun lobby".   A lobby
which is, in reality,  just a patchwork of organizations consisting of
average people, trying to fend off an arrogant and devious government.
This  same public is being told by a government, that has never lied  to
them, that this is a user pay proposition, and so they see the registration
and confiscation of guns as having no direct cost to themselves.
However, if the government's  own  figures are to be believed in regards the
reduced number of gun owners, along with admitted  escalating costs, it
becomes obvious that  there are now too few gun owners to pay even the
admitted  costs.
The right to own property, the sanctuary of the home and the safety of the
family are things most Canadians would take for granted.  The Liberal gun
bill is a threat to all three. I'm sure all Canadians feel they have the
right to own property or at the very least to be compensated if government
action devalues that property.  Most must believe in the sanctuary of the
home and its exception from unreasonable search and seizure.  They also
would not expect the government to expose the family in that home to undue
risk at the hands of the criminal element.  This is just what the government
is doing when forcing any family to list in-house valuables on a computer
listing, available to any hacker.

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