From:   "Dr Chris R. Tame", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Date: Thursday, February 08, 2001 6:10 AM
>IRS Linked to Anti-Government Activities?
>News Analysis by J.J. Johnson - Posted: 02.08.01
>It's days like these when you realize the "spin" just isn't working anymore. In 
>the latest example of some moron field testing the suicide by cop theory, 
>W. Pickett got his fifteen minutes of fame in front of the White House at the 
>cost of a busted knee cap. But if you follow media logic after this event, 
>you'll have no choice but to conclude that the IRS is an "anti-government 
>Let's get past all the sensationalism: A guy walks past the White House gates, 
>waves a gun, and gets shot. Yet in what could be considered a "slow news day," 
>media idiots asked virtually anyone who ever knew him, "Was he a member of a 
>militia group?"
>No, Government & Media bozos, he worked for the Internal Revenue Service. He's 
>one of yours. So, what does the Secret Service do?
>Secret Service agents removed computer equipment and several bags of other 
>Before entering the Pickett residence, officers from the Evansville police bomb 
>squad joined Secret Service agents in scouting outside for booby traps or 
>Umguys, if he had any bombs, you think he might have brought them with him?
>The warrant they obtained said agents were looking for firearms and for 
>magazines that might indicate whether Pickett was a member of a militia group. 
>Again: he worked for the Internal Revenue Service - an anti-constitutional, 
>extremist, extortion group that launders its theft through fractional banking. 
>This organization has ties to the Unites States Postal Service, whose members 
>have killed fellow group members and sympathizers in the past.
>"They'll have a difficult time trying to peg this guy as an anti-government 
>extremist," said Ed Wolfe, Webmaster for an Internet publication that monitors 
>government extremists and Media spin masters. "He hates the IRS and yet he 
>a gun at the White House occupied by a 'right-wing' President."
>No firearms were found, police Detective Alan Brack said. 
>Police are investigating if Pickett was able to commit such an act because of a 
>trigger lock malfunction on the hand gun that was in his possession. 
>One Evansville officer, who wished to remain anonymous stated, "at first we 
>thought he might have been a militia member since he tried to sue the IRS. The 
>only people who dislike the IRS are militia members, according to our profile 
>data." The Detective went on to say, "after analyzing his stupidity of thinking 
>he'd make it in the White House with a gun, we figured he MUST have worked for 
>a government agency."

Dr. Chris R. Tame, Director                     
Libertarian Alliance
Actually the IRS and the Secret Service are both part of the
Dept. of the Treasury, so in fact he was shot by a co-worker!


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