> > We have
> > occasional visits from special branch, and get heaps of bleatings from our
> > local Firearms Officers.
> Ohhhh, this sounds such fun, where do I sign up?? I love 
> an opportunity to p--- off our masters :-)
> Jonathan Laws
> --
> Well first you need several thousand quid for the rifle...<G>
> Steve.

...and second?

Jonathan Laws
Presumably it's the same application process on Form 101,
I think Rob Adam runs the 50 shooter's association, join up,
put down your "good reason" as target shooting, go to Ash
ranges and deafen yourself!

Actually single-shot .50s aren't that expensive, I think
you could get one for two grand.  (What a bargain!)

Tom, what's the address of the association?

I have to say I am completely dumb-founded that the police
get that wound up by it.  There are at least a couple of
benchrest shooters using .338 Lapua Magnum, that's not far
behind .50BMG.


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