From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Times 17.2.01
>Woman aged 62 is Siberia's top wolf hunter
>From Giles Whittell in Moscow
>A SIBERIAN woman aged 62 has been awarded L50 and an
>unlimited hunting licence for killing more wolves than
>any man in her province.

>What is it with journalists, accurate reporting and Russian smallarms?
>Accurate to 2,000 metres?  200 maybe!

        Steve, & Rusty,

        I'm shocked, SHOCKED! And, maybe just a little bit
appalled, that the Russian Government has <allowed> one of
their citizens to have a dread <<<assault weapon>>>.
        Good lord! Don't they know that merely possessing
one of those things will cause her to WANT to go on a murdering
        I have one of those terrible 'weapons' in a safe along
with several other variety of rifles. I'm wondering if I shouldn't
place it in a separate safe all by its lonesome, just to be sure that
it doesn't give those other rifles some 'bad ideas'.
        It's bad enough that I have to force myself to be reeducated
every time I dare touch that <weapon of war>, and I have been told
that touching one more than a few times a month will cause hair to
grow on your palms, as well as cause you to sweat bullets (not sure
what caliber though). On the other hand, it could solve a logistics
problem . . .

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=

But it's not an "assault weapon", it doesn't have a detachable
mag, that's why they're still legal to import into the US (provided
they're not Russian or Chinese, Bulgarian are okay though ;) )


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