The openGL package has now been marked as obsolete.


Please note that it is still possible build programs using Windows' native 
openGL interface by

using the w32api package.


Users of the native GLUT library should adapt their programs to build with the 
freeGLUT packages.

The native GLUT library was based on Nate Robins' GLUT, which has not been 
maintained in years,

while freeGLUT is alive and kicking. freeGLUT requires the use of an X server.


Thanks to anyone who helped supporting the openGL package over the years.



- André Bleau, cygwin's (former) volunteer opengl package maintainer

Please reply to cygwin at cygwin dot com, not to me directly.                   


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the web page. This downloads setup.exe to your
system. Then, run setup and keep clicking "Next".

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