Version 4.4.1-1 of "python3-wx" has been uploaded as a test package.

python3-wx is the Python 3 version of the cross-platform GUI toolkit,

This provides the following packages:

python3-wx (the source package)

python3-wx-common (common files)


python36-wx (wxPython built for Python 3.6)

python37-wx (wxPython built for Python 3.7)

python38-wx (wxPython built for Python 3.8).

python39-wx (wxPython built for Python 3.9).

This update brings a Python 3.9 build, as the dependencies are now in
place. I have had no issues using this so far, and will mark as stable
in a few week's time if no issues are reported. Both positive and
negative feedback will be appreciated.


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