On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 12:18:51AM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> I'm not sure what you're asking.  sources.redhat.com is still going to
>> be the main repository for all of the cygwin distribution and mirrors
>> will be downloading from sources.redhat.com.
>> So, you'll still need to have your package approved and uploaded to
>> sources.redhat.com if you want the package to be part of the
>> distribution.
>> I can't see how that could possibly change.  We can't rely on other
>> systems to be part of the official distribution.
>Chris, we were discussing the (not yet available) new features of setup,
>where setup.ini from DIFFERENT sources could be merged into a single list.
>Since you can ALSO add your own download list (by manually typing in a
>different location), the obvious extension is:
>use download sites:
>  ftp://favorite.cygwin.mirror/
>  ftp://my.local.mirror/
>where my.local.mirror contains a NON-cygwin "sanctioned" package.  Such
>as, for instance, pre-submission versions of libtool, or JASSP Emacs, or

Right.  This kind of thing would never show up in a sources.redhat.com
setup.hint file, though.  Wasn't that the question?

setup.hint is a file that is used by sources.redhat.com for producing a
setup.ini package.  A user doesn't necessarily have to use this
mechanism and I don't see any reason to update 'upset' to accomodate

If a user wants to use setup.exe, then they can just update setup.ini
by hand or develop their own mechanism for keeping it up-to-date.

In addition to this being a nifty feature, I believe that part of the
reason for this requirement was that I need this functionality
internally at Red Hat.  Even I wasn't planning on using 'upset'/setup.hint
to accomodate this.


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