
2001-12-28 14:13:04, du schriebst:

> Now for the next one: libxslt

Yessss, I'm in favour for this too.

> ===
> # Libxslt test package
> @ libxslt
> sdesc: "Libxslt is the XSLT C library developped for the Gnome project."
> ldesc: "Libxslt is the XSLT C library developped for the Gnome project.
> XSLT itself is an XML language to define transformation for XML. Libxslt
> is based on libxml2 the XML C library developped for the Gnome project.
> It also implements most of the EXSLT set of extensions functions and
> some of Saxon's evaluate and expressions extensions."
> category: Doc Libs Text Devel Interpreters
> requires: cygwin libxml2
> test: 1.0.9-1
> =====

Gerrit                                                              =^..^=

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