Ok, after some reviewing, here is what I have:

# TCP Wrappers
@ tcp_wrappers
sdesc: "TCP Wrappers"
ldesc: "TCP Wrappers: Tool to provide host based access restrictions for tcp 
ed services"
curr: 7.6
category: Net
requires: cygwin terminfo

Cleaning up the src and binary packages, should have them available for 
retrieval sometime tomorrow

Prentis Brooks  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 703-265-0914 | AIM: PrentisBrooks
Senior System Administrator - Web Infrastructure & Security

       A knight is sworn to valor.  His heart knows only virtue.  His blade
       defends the helpless.  His word speaks only truth.  His wrath undoes
       the wicked. - the old code of Bowen, last of the dragonslayers

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