On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 02:25:36AM -0800, Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:
>> Not a simple script, but I've built a cardhouse of scripts that setup
>> a cross-compile environment, and then downloads and does
>> > something like 
>> >    cygmkpkg expat-1.95.2.tar.gz  
>> this for any number of `native' packages
>> See
>>     http://lilypond.org/cygwin/cygwin-cross.tar.gz
>Then, could someone include this link into the contributor's guide
>   http://cygwin.com/setup.html 
>and maybe links to some other scripts like that?

A link to some other site with another cygwin distribution?


FWIW, I keep mentioning that the script that I use to generate packages
is available via CVS on sources.redhat.com:

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/cygwin-apps co mknetrel

  mkdir -p /netrel/{src,inst,build,upload,extra}
  cd /netrel/src
  gtar xzf whatever-1.9.tar.gz
  bump -r whatever
  mknetrel whatever
  scp /netrel/uploads/whatever-1.9-1*.tar.gz 


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