Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Sorry, but I really don't like this.  Adding a whole bunch of new things
> for a user to cycle through (or even select from a pulldown) is moving
> in the wrong direction, IMO.

But a big deal at one point in time was the ability to get to packages/versions 
that were in the local directory and install those - how else can you do this 
if you limit your self to prev, curr, and test.  What if the current setup.ini 
has a prev version and a current version but I still have the one prior to the 
prev version and it was right the two most recent are wrong and I want to roll 
back to it - How do I do this under you folks way of thinking.

I like the simpler approach for sure but let my option I select tell me 
everything - don't give me 4 different buttons and umpteen combinations to 
choose from to get where I want to be - talk about confusing.

Just my thoughts and .02 worth.

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