On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 06:34:29PM -0700, Ian Burrell wrote:
>Is the script for building setup.ini files from a directory hierarchy 
>available anywhere? I want to setup a test install directory with the 
>full hierarchy and setup.hint files.
>Also, I ran into a problem with the xfree-fonts-100dpi and 
>xfree-fonts-75dpi packages. With a hand-generated setup.ini, they 
>weren't being displayed. This might be because the last component starts 
>with a number and something is confused about where the version starts. 

Yes, a -75dpi part of a tar file will look like a version number.

Can you use an underscore instead?

Just to be clear, you shouldn't be including the '@ xfree-fonts-100dpi'
or the version: in the setup.hint.  Those are only needed if you are
overriding defaults.


>The lines in my setup.ini are:
>@ xfree-fonts-100dpi
>sdesc: "Cygwin/XFree86 100dpi fonts"
>category: XFree86
>requires: xfree-base
>version: 4.2.0-1
>@ xfree-fonts-75dpi
>sdesc: "Cygwin/XFree86 75pi fonts"
>category: XFree86
>requires: xfree-base
>version: 4.2.0-1
> - Ian

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