On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 07:16:55PM -0700, Eduardo Chappa wrote:
>*** On Sat, 13 Apr 2002 I wrote:
>:) *** Charles Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote on Apr 12, 2002:
>:) [lots of corrections and advices removed]
>:) :) Other than that, sounds great! :-)
>:) Thank you for all your comments, I will fix everything early next week.
>:) I appreciate all your input.
>Ok, I finally finished my taxes and now I could finish packing Pine. I
>include the new setup.hint file for your information. The file
>/usr/doc/Cygwin/pine-4.44-1.README contains lots of information about how
>to improve running Pine on Cygwin. I hope it will be useful for you and
>those using Pine on Cygwin.
>category: Mail
>requires: crypt openssl cygwin
>sdesc: "A console E-Mail and Newsreader program, it includes Pico"
>ldesc: "Program for managing E-mail and News (USENET). It supports
>        IMAP/(E)SMTP/POP3/NNTP/MIME. It includes the editor Pico"

This gets my vote, but I do have to ask you if you are prepared for the
ton of questions you'll undoubtedly get on the cygwin list about this.

mail clients seem to generate a lot of questions.


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