Wonderful, please do.

BTW, I have had a private version of netpbm, packaged in a 
'setup-compatible' way, for some time now.  When I get home, I'll put my 
version somewhere that you can access; you may want to expropriate some 
of my patches...

Also, which png have you linked against?  1.0.12, or 1.0.13?  (Also, I 
have libpng-1.2.2 ready for upload to sourceware, but I'm waiting for 
the ripples from the massive 1.0.13 packaging changes to settle out...)


Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

> Hi list,
> Today I've taken a look at the netpbm package.  Pierre Humblet, who's
> listed as Cygwin porter, is not considering to contribute it as Cygwin
> package, but was fine with me packaging it.
> I've only done a few quick tests, from ps->pnm->png.  URLs below.
> Cast your votes now.
> Greetings,
> Jan.
> http://lilypond.org/cygwin/tar/netpbm/setup.hint
>     sdesc: "Graphics conversion tools"
>     category: Graphics
>     requires: cygwin jpeg libpng tiff zlib
>     # build-requires: cygwin jpeg libpng libpng-devel tiff zlib
>     ldesc: "Netpbm is a toolkit for manipulation of graphic images, including
>     conversion of images between a variety of different formats.  There
>     are over 220 separate tools in the package including converters for
>     more than 80 graphics formats."
> http://lilypond.org/cygwin/tar/netpbm/netpbm-9.25-1-src.tar.bz2
> http://lilypond.org/cygwin/tar/netpbm/netpbm-9.25-1.tar.bz2

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