On Mon, Apr 29, 2002 at 12:17:54PM -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Oh yeah -- speaking of changes to setup.ini:
>Chris, can we get that "external-src: other-pkg-name" thing into upset? 
>   (or "other-src" or whatever) Reminder:

It's pretty complicated to add.  If you specify external-src it will
potentially have to add test, prev, curr entries for the packages.

However, IMO, it makes sense for this option to actually be passed into
setup.ini so that setup.exe can understand that this is basically a
symbolic link rather than a "copy".

So, if I just add this as a pass-through, it is a no-brainer.  If I
add it as a "fill in the blanks" in setup.ini, it's more complicated.
It's not hellishly more complicated but I'd rather not do the work if
it makes sense for the logic to live in setup.exe.

I don't remember if Robert already indicated which method he'd prefer.
Maybe he already has plans to do the right thing when multiple packages
refer to the same source tar ball.  I seem to recall that this came up
before but I don't remember what the decision was.


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