Attn maintainers:

There are a number of packages that list 'libpng' as a requirement. 
However, that's probably incorrect.  You probably want to depend on 
'libpng10' (which contains cygpng10.dll) or 'libpng12' (which contains 
cygpng12.dll) or 'libpng2' (which contains cygpng2.dll).

Also, some packages list BOTH 'libpng' and 'libpng10' as requirements. 
I'm pretty sure that's wrong, since 'libpng' really only contains 
documentation these days.  It's possible you want to require 'libpng10' 
and 'libpng12-devel'.

Please check your setup.hints:

Ghostscript maintainer: be sure to update your libpng2 dependency to the 
appropriate package (libpng10 or libpng12) the next time you recompile.


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