On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 06:32:19PM +0200, Ton van Overbeek wrote:
>The error messages which Carl saw come from iniparse.cc, which in turn is produced
>from the parser definition in iniparse.y.
>>From the definitions in iniparse.y it is clear that the sdesc and ldesc arguments
>have to be put in quotes in order to be recognized as a single token.
>So, as John said, the example at the bottom of the page
>(http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin-apps/setup.html) is wrong and should be
>corrected. (Rob, are you listening ?)

What specific example are you looking at?

  % grep sdesc setup.html
  sdesc: <i>"some text"</i>
  <p><tt>sdesc</tt> and <tt>ldesc</tt> are both mandatory fields for
  the <tt>sdesc</tt> field is required for correct operation of setup.exe.
  <p><tt>sdesc</tt> is a one line description of the package.  This is the
  <tt>sdesc:      "boffo: A whackamole simulation in ASCII art"</tt>
  <tt>sdesc:      "A whackamole simulation in ASCII art"</tt>
      sdesc:    "A whackamole simulation in ASCII art"
  <tt>sdesc: "A whackamole simulation in ASCII art"</tt><br>
  <tt>sdesc: "Runtime library for a whackamole simulation in ASCII art"</tt><br>

They all seem to have quotes to me.


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