
After the recent discussion about GnuPG 1.0.7 and the recluctance of the
official maintainers concerning cygwin/mingw support I might as well
offer it as a package.

Here's the setup.hint and the URLs:

sdesc: "GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage."
ldesc: "GNU Privacy Guard is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage.
It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. GnuPG is a
complete and free replacement for PGP. It includes an advanced key management
facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet standard as
described in RFC 2440."
category: Utils
requires: cygwin libintl1 zlib


The packaging process was based on Method Two from
http://cygwin.com/setup.html#package_contents .
Please let me know if there are problems or bugs.

I tested the basic functionality of the package on a Win2K and a Win98SE
system, both with cygwin 1.3.10 and all binary mounts.
See also gnupg.README for some details.



GNU Privacy Guard is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage.
It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. GnuPG is
a complete and free replacement for PGP. It includes an advanced key
management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet
standard as described in RFC 2440.

Legal stuff 
Some countries have regulations on the use of cryptographics systems; It
may be unlawful to use GnuPG in these countries. Please visit
for more informations concerning this topic.


Runtime requirements:
  cygwin-1.3.10 or newer

Build requirements:
  cygwin-1.3.10 or newer

Canonical homepage:

Canonical download:

Build instructions:
  unpack gnupg-1.0.7-X-src.tar.bz2
    if you use setup to install this src package, it will be
         unpacked under /usr/src automatically
  cd /usr/src
  ./gnupg-1.0.7-1.sh all

This will create:


Files included in the binary distro



Port Notes:

----- version 1.0.7-1 -----
Initial release.
* Uses /dev/random
* Uses cygwin file system.
* Use env. variable GNUPGHOME instead of windows registry for cygwin.
* You find build instructions for a windows native executable (MinGW) after
  $ cd /usr/src
  $ ./gnupg-1.0.7-1.sh prep
  in /usr/src/gnupg-1.0.7-1/CYGWIN-PATCHES/gnupg.MinGW.README

----- changelog -----
2002-06-05  Volker Quetschke  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * configure.ac: (same as patch in cvs) Added check for strcasecmp
        and strncasecmp. Removed stricmp and memicmp checks.

        * rndw32.c: [mingw] Enabled winioctl.h for mingw builds with cygwin,
        I don't know if this bothers pure mingw installations without cygwin.

2002-06-01  Volker Quetschke  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * configure.ac: Remove unnecessary cases for cygwin. Cygwin (Version
        1.3.10 and up) doesn't need the AC_DEFINE()s for USE_ONLY_8DOT3,
        have a /dev/random. This repairs also the $(RANLIB) variable for
        cygwin, it wasn't set for cygwin and try_gettext="no" and the build
        stopped. Also added $(EXEEXT) for the files in DYNAMIC_CIPHER_MODS
        to help automake. 

        * g10/exec.c: Use cygwin fileaccess instead of windows fileaccess for
        cygwin. ATTENTION! Gnupg now uses the mount table of cygwin. You can
        still use drive letters but use "/" instead of "\".
        E.g: gnupg -e c:/temp/important.doc

        * g10/passphrase: Use cygwin fileaccess instead of windows fileaccess
        for cygwin. Use the POSIX variant of gpg agent for cygwin not the
        windows registry. See warning above.

        * g10/g10.c: Use env. variable GNUPGHOME instead of windows registry
        for cygwin.

        * g10/gpgv.c: Use env. variable GNUPGHOME instead of windows registry
        for cygwin.

Cygwin port maintained by: Volker Quetschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

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