On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:27:47PM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
>> (Hey, nice parse error message!  That'll help if the bizarre parse error
>> prc-tools's setup.ini was intermittently getting recurs.)
> Errm, Are you being sarcastic or literal here? I didn't mean to improve the
> parse error feedback, but if I have, then cool.

Literal.  With the kde-cygwin setup.ini I got

    parse error, unexpected LEX_EOF, expecting PACKAGE_NAME or NL or AT

I think this means you're using a new bison with a whizzy new default
error handler.  Or maybe it's been like this for a while, and I didn't
notice because the prc-tools one errored out so early.

(Hmmm... and then when I went back to the mirrors page and hit Next
again to redownload setup.ini, I got two copies of the error message.
And then three the next time.  And then...)


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