> On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 02:07:44PM +0200, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> > using release number like 2.2.2-[ab][0-9] has historical reasons and
> > because of the problems of the sourceforge file release system as I
> > wrote in http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2002-07/msg00440.html I
> > can't change this for already released files :-(,
> >
> > so are there any other possibilities to solve this problem ?
> PRC-Tools tells its users to point setup.exe at
>       http://prc-tools.sourceforge.net/install/
> (i.e. our Sourceforge *website*) and then uses HTTP redirects therein to
> map whatever collective hallucination we'd like setup.exe to see into
> the reality of the Sourceforge file release system.  For us, it's pretty
> simple:
> .../htdocs/install/.htaccess:
> RedirectMatch install/(.*[^/].*/.*)
thanks for this hint, it works for me too.

Please grant me one question with this redirect. Perhaps you can help me:

This redirect requires a path like  "<sf-project-name>/file" in the setup.ini.
I've tried to change the above line into

RedirectMatch install/(.*)$

to avoid this preeceding <sf-project-name> but this doesn't work and the apache
online help of mod_alias doesn't gave me enough infos to find the problem. Any
ideas ?


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