
>>Here is one more package, astyle.
>Btw., I'd expect a little bit more information in the message requesting
>approval of a package.  http://cygwin.com/setup.html#submitting also
>talks about sending the setup.hint text.

sdesc: "Artistic Style is a reindenter and reformatter of C, C++, C# and 
Java source code. "
ldesc: "Artistic Style is a reindenter and reformatter of C, C++, C# and 
Java source code. "
test: 1.2.17
category: Devel Util
requires: cygwin

I used GNUindent but It cannot handle java sorce fiels.
Astyle [Artistic Style] is very nice reformatter for java.
Please see http://astyle.sourceforge.net/  .


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