On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 10:00:47AM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Paul Johnston wrote:
>> Hi,
>> > Cygpath is part of the cygwin package.  I'm running the current latest
>> > 1.3.14-1, which was compiled on Wed, 23 Oct.  It still has the bug.
>> >
>> > Perhaps this should be fixed first?
>> Yes, I agree. The problem was something to do with it being linked against
>> the wrong version of a library. I think that Igor Pechtchanski,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] knows the full details.
>> Paul
>Well, the "full" details are that I've re-linked cygpath from source and
>it worked.  I don't know what it is with the build process employed by cgf
>that breaks cygpath...

Maybe someone will be kind enough to tell me what this is in reference to.
I've just downloaded the last few days of discussion which have the word
"cygpath" in it and I don't see anything obvious.  Apparently there was
a discussion where John Morrison expressed reservations about the
current broken behavior but all I see is the opinion that it should be
fixed with no discussion about what "it" is.

Please send the URL which discusses the problem to cygwin-apps.



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