OK.  If you didn't see what you were looking for in 
the package list, then the official answer to your 
question is - the package does not exist.  If no one
else pipes up in response to your query with information
about a private attempt to do what you're looking for, 
I think it's fair to assume that this is a previously 
unexplored area.  Feel free to explore it yourself.  If
you create a package, please consider contributing it.
I'm sure there will be others now or in the future that
would benefit from your efforts.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.                      http://www.rfk.com
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

At 05:18 AM 10/29/2002, Alex Tibbles wrote:
>Sorry. I didn't make it clear. I've searched the
>package listing you mention (which by the way seems
>very slow). There is no mention of any lisp packages
>(except the lisp sources for emacs - not much use
>without a lisp system!). The main stab of my question
>was the history - I don't know that much about past
>packages and was wondering if anyone maintained a lisp
>system package for cygwin.
>Given that there are cygwin binaries available, I
>thought that making a package should be pretty easy.
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > See
> > 
> > Larry
> > 
> > Original Message:
> > -----------------
> > From: Alex Tibbles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 09:32:09 +0000 (GMT)
> > Subject: clisp
> > 
> > 
> > + is there, or has there ever been, a cygwin package
> > for clisp (http://clisp.cons.org/)?
> > + is there a maintainer for such a package, or if
> > there has been such a package, who was the
> > maintainer?
> > + are there, or have there been, packages for gcl
> > (GNU
> > Common Lisp), CMU CL (Carnegie Mellon Universtity
> > Common Lisp)?
> > 
> > Info: the clisp project release cygwin binaries. gcl
> > has mingw32 binaries.
> > 
> > alex
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  • clisp Alex Tibbles
    • RE: clisp Alex Tibbles
      • Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)

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