Hi All,
  When I installed cygwin I did not see mysql. Is
mysql available as package in cygwin. 
selected all the packages in cygwin and mysql did not
get installed.
  My real problem is not able to use DBI and DBD
drivers for mysql in cygwin. I installed mysql for
windows and installed DBI in cygwin successfully. When
I tried to install DBD for mysql in cygwin, the
linking fails because I think it tries to link a
Windows library from mysql and fails.
  Also is there Perl Package Manager in cygwin?

  So, I thought if mysql is compiled in cygwin the
problem will be solved.
   I tried installing ActiveState perl and then
successfully installed DBI and DBD for mysql. But when
I run ActiveState perl in cygwin with full path to
files (like perl /tmp/test.pl) it fails. But (cd /tmp;
perl test.pl) works fine. Since we want to run perl
scripts by full path the perl scripts fail with
ActiveState perl. Also is there any PPM (perl package
manager for cygwin)?

   Thanks a lot for any of your replies.


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