Ok, I've applied most of Max's patches. CVS setup now builds and runs
for me with gcc-3.

Max, I've not applied a couple of the patches:
-Wno-deprecated is not needed.
proppage.h I've not gotten to (yet).

I don't think I've missed any other patches, can you diff your sandbox
against my commits to see ?

Also, I've remembered the bug. HEAD selects the wrong default package
(i.e. running it here it defaulted to openssl ...9.6e.) AFAIK that's the
only bug preventing release. HEAD has debian Releases file support and
many performance improvements, and more user feedback, so I would like
to get it out. Until I've moved though, I won't have the time to do
in-depth analysis. I was lucky to squeeze in the setup update as it is.


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