On Sat, 2002-11-30 at 09:48, Max Bowsher wrote:
> DEBUG already has meaning to dlmalloc.c and IniDBBuilderPackage.cc. Can we
> choose another #define?
> IniDBBuilderPackage.cc DEBUG puts so much to the log, that its hard to see
> anything else, and I'm not sure I want a debug malloc unless thats actually
> what I want to debug at the time.

So only build the one file with DEBUG. Also, we don't use dlmalloc
unless it's explicitly linked in, so it's not going to affect you.

DEBUG is the right define for this IMO.
> > Instead of using the option value directly in the routines, have a
> > constant char * you use.
> >
> > When debug is enabled, extract a copy of the option value on the first
> > routine you enter.
> Seems overcomplex (mounts aren't exactly a performance bottleneck, are
> they?) but I'll do it if you really want.

Well however you do the detail is up to you. I said 'something like'.

The point is, release builds don't get this option. Default builds don't
get it. debug builds do.

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