> On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Kris Thielemans wrote:


> I have a different opinion. First, note that the radio buttons don't act
> like radio buttons at all. When you click them, they alter the state of
> all the packages spin controls to meet the criteria of that button. I.e.
> they really should be action buttons, not radio buttons.
> With that in mind, Keep does fit with Curr and Exp.
> I agree that if the radio buttons actually acted like radio buttons, to
> modify a hypothetical AutoUpgrade action, then Keep does not fit so well
> with them.

Recently I've been thinking "tab control".  Well, actually I was thinking that
for the view type.  Then again, I just now thought of the best idea yet:
drop-down list boxes for both.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

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