On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 07:59, Jason Tishler wrote:

> However, I'm concerned that you will not accept his code into setup.exe
> for various reasons (e.g., formatting, design, etc).  Please peruse his
> code at:

Well, formatting is trivial isn't it :}.

As for design, here's what I'd like to see:
Ralfs reimplementation sites in a lib - i.e. libcygimagehlp.a - and you
and I carry on the design discussion with no change. Is that possible?
If so, then frankly, I don't care what Ralf's code looks like. Just like
I don't care what the bzip2lib internals are like when the interface is
good and clear.

It means that
a) we can switch between the implementations trivially if we need to in
the future.
b) I don't need to think :}.

> Is a simple indent sufficient?  If not, what is required for acceptance?

Your integration path simply continues (where are we at? ;}).

For the library, while code internals won't be my problem per se :}, it
does need to:
a) Cross compile (linux->win32, cygwin->win32)
b) standard compile (cygwin->cygwin).
c) be autoconfiscated to support the above 2 with maximum ease.

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