At 01:02 PM 12/8/2002 -0000, John Morrison wrote:
>Glad you commented at the time this was up for debate...

Sorry, I totally missed that discussion.
Better late than never?

>Adding the domain users at work is a mear second or so.  Those networks
>where it is bigger than that, I'm afraid I can't offer any suggestions

Earnie Boyd recently suggested -u, which would already go a long way.
In addition, -c avoids contacting the PDC.

>Why?  I never log on locally when running on a network domain...

Others do. Also you probably are in the local Users group, but you
don't see it. 

>so add a -c to mkgroup too...

That has crossed my mind but I don't know any way to find the 
primary group name without asking the PDC.


I totally agree :(

>The whole idea was so
>*anyone* can install cygwin - local OR domain user and get what
>they expect.

That's exactly why I suggest -c.

>I think the -c is not a bad idea.  I'll go with the majority
>about the domain stuff, but I think it should be there.  

>have you a known situation where $USERDOMAIN != hostname and
>you weren't logged into a domain?

No. But I have only checked on one machine. 
By the way that test is not needed in the script with -c, because it
is then done in a case insensitive manner by mkpasswd itself.  


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