Hello Larry,

Thank you for your reply.

I have read (and reread) the mentioned post and all following
The proposed solution is to create a local mirror, and let it
be included into the list of available mirrors during execution
of Cygwin setup.exe

I would like to have a setup.exe that allows the installer to
install all packages from the local mirror only and not let
the installer choose which packages to install (as is done with
Cygwin setup.exe).

Another solution would be to create my own setup.exe, if I do
know what Cygwin setup.exe does. Can you provide that
information ?


> Actually, this has been discussed, though I expect it was probably
> at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You may want to look there.  A quick search
> of the archives unearthed the URL below, which I believe is your question
> as well.
> http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2002-09/msg00214.html
> If you have further questions about this that aren't answered in that
> thread or the setup documentation at the Cygwin web site, please
> post them to cygwin-apps.com.  I've redirected the address for this email
> to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the event that you need to continue this
> thread.
> Larry
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 15:40:59 +0100
> Subject: Install of predefined packages
> Hello cygwin gurus,
> Pardon my ignorance but after scanning mailing lists online, I
> have not found any hints to my question.
> I would like to roll out a predefined set of packages to a
> number of WinNT/Win2K PC. I have fetched setup.exe, and
> obtained the desired packages to H:\cygwin, and installed them
> into C:\cygwin . I used setup.exe to mark the desired packages.
> Now I would like to omit marking the desired packages, and
> just install all the packages. Is it possible ?
> Any hints will be greatly appreciated.
> --
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