2. chkconfig

version: 1.2.24h-1
status : reviewed
notes  : http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2002-11/msg00098.html
reviews: http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2002-11/msg00232.html
votes  : ?! (Joshua and others)
url    : http://users.rcn.com/sokhapkin/release/chkconfig/chkconfig-1.2.24h-1.tar.bz2
Just a couple of questions, but it has my vote AS IS. Works fine, installs fine, etc.

So that's two votes...



conf) Why --disable-nls? Just to avoid the dependency on
libintl? (But you have a dynamic dependency on popt, so..)

Wait. No, *Sergey's* binary does NOT depend on popt. Mine does.
I guess that's just because I had popt installed, so configure
found and used it.

So why not link against popt, Sergey? If you're worried about
dynamic dependencies, you can set LDFLAGS=-static and that will
force gcc to use the static libpopt.a...


install) Any particular reason that you use
make install prefix=... exec_prefix=...
instead of
make install DESTDIR=... ?

(I understand why xinetd doesn't; it doesn't use automake and
doesn't grok DESTDIR. But chkconfig is and does, so...)


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