On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 12:33:49PM -0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
> Marcel Telka wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 11:36:06AM -0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
> >> Marcel Telka wrote:
> >>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 12:18:36AM -0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
> >>>> I've been having a look at this, and am rather puzzled. I'm
> >>>> beginning to suspect that this might be a bug in MS's dialog
> >>>> routines... after all, all sizes in setup are specified in dialog
> >>>> units, yet somehow they come out mangled at high DPI.
> >>> 
> >>> I'm using setup with non-standard DPI (120) on my
> >>> WinXP+SP1 
> >>> box and I unable to see any problems with scroll bars...
> >> 
> >> I should have explained better. Both the "Normal (96DPI)" and "Large
> >> (120DPI)" settings work OK. However, try "Custom" with, sat, 144DPI,
> >> and setup is all stretched out of proportion and unusable.
> > 
> > I'm now running with 103 DPI and all works ok.
> > 
> >> 
> >> I've now done a bit more research, and I'm convinced that this is a
> >> bug in Microsofts Dialog and/or PropertySheet implementation. Which
> >> leaves us a bit stuck - since there is no easy fix that I can think
> >> of. 
> > 
> > This bug looks fixed in WinXP+SP1.
> No, I'm running that as well. I can definitely reproduce this at 144DPI.

Hm. Tested with 144 dpi: no problem.

Notes: My XP installation is fresh (only two days old) with all relevant
updates (from windowsupdate) installed. Installation was made from CD marked:
"Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Disc 1" (MSDN Disc 1847). No, my PC is not
a Tablet PC :-). This installation CD comes with the SP1 built in and
it looks like a standard XP (and it is a XP Professional Edition :-).

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |
|                jabber:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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