On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 09:37:38PM -0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
>Robert Collins wrote:
>> On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 07:26, Max Bowsher wrote:
>>> Marcel Telka wrote:
>>>> # grep -n diito generic-readme
>>>> 19:  ftp://...  <diito>
>>>> it should be "ditto" IMHO.
>>> Hmm. If someone's checking in a fix, fix "cygwinize" to "cygwinized"
>>> 2 lines above.
>>> Shall I check in the fixes?
>> It's in Chris's code. Please wait for Chris to comment.
>Sure, I wasn't going to do anything without an OK. I only offered because
>its an obvious spelling fix in documentation, not code.

Is Chris, me?  This isn't mine.  It's apparently Chuck's.


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