On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 10:46:10PM +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
>On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 19:59, Lapo Luchini wrote:
>> Robert Collins wrote:
>> >But: even after that is done, I think we should reexamine the sorting
>> >concept, and perhaps sort by the sources.redhat.com order (for us->site
>> >speed), or perhaps user mirrors then official, etc.
>> >  
>> >
>> I guess the best would be to sort by "ping time" (smalest to bigger) to 
>> help reduce unnecessary trans-oceanic downloads.
>Which means pinging all the sites, and storing the results. We use the
>official mirror list today, so we can't do this *today*. Also there are
>other, more policy issues - time to ping all the sites, policy of the
>sites (do they allow ping?).

The check-mirrors script is available via cvs.  If you check out the htdocs,
you'll get it.  You can also view it via http://cygwin.com/check-mirrors .
This script checks the master mirror list: http://cygwin.com/mirrors.txt
for mirror availability and updates mirrors.lst and mirrors.html accordingly.

If someone wants to modify this script to add "time it took to check" to
a file somewhere, I wouldn't object.  Of course, the time it took to
check a mirror from a system located in Raleigh, NC, USA is going to
differ from the time anywhere else in the world, maybe substantially.


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