On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Elfyn McBratney wrote:

> Right, I have created updated packages with the fixes various people
> suggested, mostly from Pavel ;-)
> - Changed pdksh-5.2.14-1.README to reflect the above changes, ie. how to
> apply

The source package is still not valid. Ditto, for the readme. Have you 
read my original post ? There, I've put the part of the readme, which 
is not valid.

Your source package does not conform to 'Method Two', though you seem to 
be convinced that it is.

A conforming sourcepackage 'name-version-cygwinrelease-src.tar.bz2'
should contain:

name-version.tar.gz or name-version.tar.bz2 (original source)
name-version-cygwinrelease.patch (cygwin specific changes)
name-version-cygwinrelease.sh (build script from Charles Wilson, modified
to fit you package)

When the contents of such a  package are extracted to /usr/src,
the user can go there and type:

./name-version-cygwinrelease.sh all

This script will:

1. extract the contents of name-version.tar.gz (original distro)
2. patch the original source
3. create helper directories
4. configure
5. build
6. create source and binary packages

With the source package for pdksh this is not possible.

> - Moved ksh.exe pdksh.exe

Maybe you should do the same for the man page. Currently it is installed
as ksh.1.

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