Robert Collins wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 15:20, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> I would really appreciate it if we could release a new version of
>> setup.exe with (at least) Pierre Humblet's ntsec changes soon.  I
>> think it is becoming very clear that Pierre's ntsec changes are
>> required if we want sane behavior for executables after installation.
>> Having Gary's "resize" option available wouldn't hurt either.

Gary's current pending patch is a foundation, but without user-visible
changes so far.

>> Robert, I know you're busy but is there any way you could maybe
>> offload the release onto someone else?  I'm willing to give someone
>> cvs access if that helps.
> We've got a set of logic bugs to fix before we can release -
> orthogonal to the resize and ntsec changes.


But the ntsec changes *could* be applied to the 2.249 (setup-200206) branch,
though - the patch applies with fuzz, but no rejects. And that could be
released right now.

> cvs access isn't the bottleneck - Max has been doing a great job of
> commiting post-review.
> The bottleneck is programmer time - someone needs to fix those logic
> bugs and submit a patch.
> There was a thread on this the last time we got keen about a release
> :}.
> I am really really hoping to flush the patch queue this weekend at
> least as far as code reviews goes. (although I may end up asking Max
> to commit :}).

I'm happy to do that.


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