> From: Max Bowsher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> John Morrison wrote:
> >> From: Igor Pechtchanski
> >> On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, John Morrison wrote:
> >>>> From: Max Bowsher
> >>>> Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> >>>>> Attached is try #2.  This incorporates Rob's comments from
> >>>>> <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2003-03/msg00041.html>.  I've
> >>>>> also refactored FileDesc to handle all dependence processing.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> I think this would be good as a long-term solution as well.  As I
> >>>>> mentioned previously, I don't think we can use the existing
> >>>>> package dependence mechanism unless we also somehow track which
> >>>>> package contains which postinstall scripts.  Personally, I think
> >>>>> storing dependences in the postinstall scripts themselves is
> >>>>> cleaner. Opinions?
> >>>> 
> >>>> Good idea.
> >>> 
> >>> Definately.
> >>> 
> >>>> Do we also need a way to mark 'high-priority' scripts?
> >>>> i.e. ones that should run before all others.
> >>> 
> >>> and the ones that should be run only after all others.
> >>> J.
> >> 
> >> John,
> >> That's already possible with my patch -- just include all other
> >> scripts in the list of dependences, and your script will be run last.
> > 
> > *All* other scripts?  Even the ones I didn't know about when
> > I wrote the script?  <quizical>How?</quizical>
> What scenario are you thinking of here?
> I don't understand how this would be useful.

I was thinking of the defaults post install script, but,
thinking about it I got my logic twisted.  defaults doesn't
depend on the other scripts they depend on it.

Never mind.  Sorry for the noise!


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