
My apologies - all is well - see below.

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> I'm not sure I understand the above, though - was the preremove script
> logged or wasn't it?  The gcc-mingw preremove script's output should
> be the following one line: "*** Removing gcc-mingw files.  Please wait. ***"
> and should be preceded by "running: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe -c
> /etc/preremove/gcc-mingw.sh".
> You're welcome to send me the resulting setup.log.full off-list if you're
> unsure whether the logging worked.

Sorry - I goofed - the line you mention is in fact in the setup.log.full file.  
My explanation is that I am more used to using pg in unix than less and 
therefore I have a link for pg that points to less.  For whatever reason - I 
have noticed that I don't always see the first line of a page or document when 
I use the pg link as opposed to just using less.  I had apparently used pg and 
searched for gcc-mingw.sh and only saw the part about installing and then 
running the postinstall - I never saw the running preremove and I really did 
search several times - but obviously always using pg.  I even searched for 
preremove but still never saw it.  When I went back on both Win95 and W2k and 
used less to look at setup.log.full - there they were.  I guess I really should 
figure out why the pg link causes that to happen as opposed to just using less, 
or quit using my pg link.

Anyways - sorry for the false alarm - all appears to be well.
> > I also noticed when I reinstalled gcc-mingw that a gcc-mingw.sh was
> > created in preremove and postinstall and as we have already tested in
> > postinstall it gets renamed to gcc-mingw.sh.done but in preremove it
> > appears to be copied (not moved or renamed) to gcc-mingw.sh.done - so
> > then there are two in preremove - a done and a not done.
> This is fine.  It is renamed.  But remember, you're *reinstalling* the
> package.  The newly installed copy of the package will again contain a
> /etc/preremove/gcc-mingw.sh. :-)

You are correct - I forgot the obvious.


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