Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> As per John Morrison's suggestion, I would like to contribute and
> maintain wtf
> (http://cronus.comp.utas.edu.au/~thsutton/computing/wtf.html). 
> wtf(6) is a utility provided by some UNIX and UNIX-like systems
> including Slackware Linux and NetBSD.  It translates acronyms and
> filename suffixes by looking up the definition of a term in various
> databases. 
> I've added the OLOCA to the database directory (named %OLOCA to place
> it first in search order).  There's also a perl script that can
> update that file from the web version of the OLOCA (also requires
> wget), but since this rule is totally optional (and won't be invoked
> in the default build), I didn't put perl and wget as prerequisites
> for building wtf.  This is mentioned in wtf.README as well.
> http://cs.nyu.edu/~pechtcha/cygwin/wtf/wtf-0.0.3-1.tar.bz2
> http://cs.nyu.edu/~pechtcha/cygwin/wtf/wtf-0.0.3-1-src.tar.bz2
> http://cs.nyu.edu/~pechtcha/cygwin/wtf/setup.hint (also inline below)
> sdesc: "translates acronyms and filename suffixes for you"
> ldesc: "wtf translates acronyms and filename suffixes for you.
> The wtf program looks-up the definition of a term. It supports a
> number of definition sources. In this version they are an acronyms
> database and qa filename suffixes database."
> requires: cygwin
> category: Text Doc
>         Igor

Has my vote :)


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