Package: d 1.2.0-1
Description: The Directory Lister
   Proposer: Yaakov Selkowitz
   Proposal: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Reviews: Gerrit P. Haase (cygwin-apps-thread.11476)
  Aye votes: Gerrit P. Haase (cygwin-apps-thread.11476) [1/3]
             Charles Wilson (cygwin-apps-thread.11765) [2/3]
     Status: Package available. Reviewed.
   HOLD-UPS: Not enough votes (need 1 more).

1. [not a showstopper] there's no need for a postinstall script here. Just add _update-info-dir to your requires: line in the setup.hint instead.

But, it gets my vote as is.

-- Chuck

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