On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 08:30:32AM +0200, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2003 um 19:00 schriebst du:
> > This is the list of pending packages as of Tuesday, October 21, 2003.
> > Package: d 1.2.0-1
> > Description: The Directory Lister
> >    Proposer: Yaakov Selkowitz
> >    Proposal: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >     Reviews: Gerrit P. Haase (cygwin-apps-get.11476)
> >   Aye votes: Gerrit P. Haase (cygwin-apps-get.11476) [1/3]
> >      Status: Package available. Reviewed.
> >    HOLD-UPS: Not enough votes (need 2 more).
> How much ITPs where seen without a real interest or ability from the
> maintainer tobe?  This one is not one of these, I like this tool, that
> was the reason I was voting, even if I wouldn't use it, I think it is
> nice to have an alternative to 'ls', maybe other people think similar
> and want to give it a try?
> The most packages are really needed to develop applications and to
> maintain packages, but OTOH Cygwin should respect the users who just
> want to use it as their favourite system to drive the Windows
> subsystem, so give them tools to use this system.  Want to say, vote
> if you don't think it is a really bad idea to have some alternative
> directory lister (questions like: "who needs it when we have ls?" are
> well known, but these answers are not a veto!).
I agree that diversity is a Good Thing. I also agree that it may be a good
idea to introduce such diversity (more of it) into the Cygwin Net distribution

I've now read the info file that comes with the package and tested it on my
system. I don't think I'll use it often, but I don't think it's a bad idea
to put it in the net distribution either.

You've convinced me, I'm in a good mood or whatever - this has my vote.


Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.

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