* Fri 2003-10-17 Igor Pechtchanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> list.cygwin-apps
* Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Daniel Reed wrote:
| > Package: nfs-server 2.2.47-2
| > Description: Universal NFS server.
| >    Proposer: Sam Robb
| >    Proposal: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| >              
| >              
| >              http://www.oneparticularharbor.net/cygwin/nfs-server/setup.hint
| >   Aye votes: A.R. Burgers (cygwin-apps-get.11689) [1/3]
| >      Status: Package available.
| >    HOLD-UPS: Not enough votes (need 2 more). Not reviewed.
| This has my vote.  I believe I originally voted for this, too.
|       Igor

My vote too. I've been using this server for 2 months now in W2k SP4
without problems to my home WLAN linux machines (Fedora & Debian).


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